The Partnership Puzzle: How global organizations work to solve social issues

Dr. Klaus Leisinger

President and Managing Director, Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development

Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dr. Leisinger leads one of the world’s largest corporate social-impact initiatives. His presentation will underscore the obligation of ethical companies as partners to address far-reaching health and socio-economic problems. Dr. Leisinger has extensive experience collaborating across the corporate world and public institutions, such as the United Nations and international NGOs. His successes argue for cross-sector partnerships as a proven model for addressing tough problems. The Novartis Foundation’s extensive efforts toward achieving the U.N. Millennium Development Goals serves as a tangible case study in how such partnerships can work to achieve global social impact.

Presentation Slides:

Dr. Klaus Leisinger is an international leader in poverty alleviation and global health. Through his leadership of Novartis’ philanthropic and development assistance programs for more than 25 years, he has bridged public, private and NGO sectors in critical efforts to tackle world-wide problems. These strategic initiatives have provided tangible benefits for millions of people in developing countries, including the irradiation of leprosy and other diseases, agricultural programs, and economic development.