Prof. Silver presents Berkeley-Haas course to worldwide audience in Sienna, Italy

Philanthropy, and specifically, strategic philanthropy, is a topic finding its way into increasing numbers of disciplines in universities around the world. The purpose of this workshop is to inspire and prepare instructors worldwide to teach an experiential undergraduate class in strategic philanthropy, and to provide resources and a professional network to support their course development.

Dr. Nora Silver will deliver a workshop on Berkeley-Haas’ Cal Strategic Philanthropy undergraduate class, a course initially designed by students and winning a Big Ideas @ Berkeley curricular award. Each of the last three Springs, the class has received $10,000 from the Learning by Giving Foundation. The class researches and decides how that money will create the greatest social impact in the San Francisco Bay Area. Students indeed learn by giving about personal and group values, group decision-making, social issues, grantmaking criteria, nonprofit assessment, social impact, and the landscape of philanthropy.

The workshop is co-led by Dr. Kathy Kretman from the Center for the Public and Nonprofit Leadership, Georgetown University.

Workshop Content:

Session Handouts (pdf, 371 kb)

Philanthropy and Social Change syllabus, Georgetown U. (pdf, 50 kb)